There are lots of homeless people in the world. And most of us have gotten so used the fact that we are really indifferent towards them.

The video below features a social experiment that was carried out by the YouTube channel MoeAndET. They wanted to find out how people would respond to a homeless man versus a homeless child.

A little boy was set up to be a homeless kid. He then went on to sit on the sidewalk with an actual homeless man. It is heartwarming to see many passersby stop and give him some money. Some even offered him hugs and kisses. But wait till you see how the homeless adult was treated.

I had no idea that the world was this cruel. The poor guy, who actually turned out to be veteran, was belittled for his condition, even by a meter maid.

When THIS Happened? I’m In Tears!
“I’m crying rn bc he’s homeless and even buy the kid a slice” Source: Youtube/MoeAndEthan
Watch the video down below and don’t forget to share this touching moment with your friends and family…