Advertisement videos are made to commercialize some products or to support campaigns but this one has surpassed this goal to touch many people’s hearts.

In this video, from Vodafone Ireland, you watch an adorable short story about a piglet and mailman; over one morning route, Dorman found a tiny piglet on his way. He tries different ways to find her right owner but in vain.

After a couple of days, Dorman finally finds her owner then he changes mind…when I figured out why, I got my mind blown.

Basically, this video was captured to tell “a tale about how life is better when you’re connected to friends” but it turned into a very emotional clip! Must watch!

He Didn’t Expect Something THIS Heartbreaking
“This ad is so popular. everyone’s on about it. at least the farm is free-range. 99% of pig farms are inside factories and I’m not even going to tell you what happens” Source: Youtube/Vodafone Ireland
Watch the video down below and don’t forget to share this heartwarming story with your friends and family…