It’s always sad when anything bad happens to our loved ones.Now think if they went missing one day and didn’t come back. You don’t know where they went, what condition they are in or if they are even alive.

The Missing People Choir is made up of members who all have somebody missing from their lives. They wanted to shed light on their situation through Britain’s Got Talent.

This group got onstage and started singing a very sad song wich it touch many of your emotions. Meantime, pictures of their missing family was shown in the back. It was possible to reach millions of people this way.

This performance for awareness was impressive and so touching. Their moving performance put even the judges to tears. Just wish for them to hear some happy news soon!

Not the best singers, but it’s the reaching out and doing this, that makes it so impressive!
“I think this is not about to win the show, this is about to send the message to the people. The win will be if at least some of the missing people returned back home.” Source: Youtube/Britain’s Got Talent
Watch the video down below and don’t forget to share this touching moment with your friends and family…