A group of sailors was just enjoying a day of boating in the Gulf of Naples when they spotted something they could hardly comprehend…

A group of Italian sailors was sailing in a small boat near the coast of Naples when they saw a puppy swimming in the middle of the sea! It was a complete mystery how the pup got there, and where it came from! Dogs are generally not known for being good long-distance swimmers.
When the Labrador pup saw the sailors it started to swim towards the boat, but that wasn’t an easy task! After a lot of heave and ho, they managed to get him on board! The little canine sailor was absolutely exhausted!

However, there are a couple of things you should know about the breed of this pooch. This is a Yellow Labrador Retriever, and dogs of this breed are known for being great swimmers noted for their ability to tolerate the coldest of waters for extended periods of time. Fishermen use them as companions on fishing expeditions, and they are very dependable! This all leads us to conclude that this beautiful puppy probably fell out of some fishing boat! Luckily, he is safe now!
Thank you to these wonderful people for saving this puppy!!