He Grabs The Baby’s Trunk, Now Watches What The Herd Around Him Does …WOW!

In 2011 a baby elephant was left behind when his mom and her herd were chased out of a human settlement in Kenya. Affectionately named Kithaka, the baby would have no chance for survival if it weren’t for The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust keepers who airlifted the 200-pound toddler and transported him to the elephant nursery.

elephant, animals, rescue, story, sweet, babies,
Source:Youtube/Sheldrick Trust

Kithara was accepted by the resident elephants immediately but the sweetest moment of the rescue is the bond the baby made with his human friends. I got really emotional at the end of this video. God bless everyone who dedicates their lives to doing this. You’re the real heroes.

elephant, animals, rescue, story, sweet, babies,
Source:Youtube/Sheldrick Trust

I got really emotional at the end of this video.