What you are about to see has never been captured on video….till now. This is amazing!

For something that happens in millions on a daily basis, seeing a new life coming into this world is as fascinating as it ever was. In the case of this Sumatran orangutan mama, even more so.

The staff of Durell Wildlife Conservation Trust managed to capture the birth of the newest addition to their big family live on camera, a feat never before done by anyone. Knowing how hectic it is when human moms give birth, seeing nature taking its course is so miraculous I can’t stop watching.
I absolutely love how proud this mama was when she cradled her newborn & walked over to show off her new addition. Not to mention the proud Papa in the background!!! Ahhh, the beauty of life…

Amazing. No Lamaze class. No education. No healthcare. But the mom knows exactly what to do. I just hope this little baby orangutan will get to see the world beyond his cage someday.