One day, in Pasco County, Florida, Mark who is a member of the Metropolitan Ministries was walking out of the building, suddenly he noticed something that stunned him completely. Two babies were half-naked, someone just abandoned them near a pile of trash. The 2 kids are brothers, a 7-month-old, and a 2-year-old baby.

However, the story of the 2 babies reached the pastor of the refuge church and he immediately recognized the children, they were the kids of homeless parents who frequently come to church to eat. The pastor’s name is Ronnie Stewart, he and his wife Krystal started the area a Refuge Church for the homeless population as an act of helping the church partner with Metropolitan Ministries to serve free hot meals at the church.
One evening, a big storm was approaching the pastor and his wife just saw the most heartbreaking scene, the 2 kids were just gazing at them through the glass door, their parents just left them alone for more than 10 hours straight.

After asking the parents, the pastor and his wife decided to take the children to their warm cozy home, they fed and bathed the 2 babies. And when they were returning them, a social worker and the parents of the 2 kids approached them.
It was final that the boys would be taken from the parents due to carelessness and the pastor and his wife Krystal were asked to keep them for a short time period. And today after five months they are working on adopting the kids saying: “We are here to meet the community’s needs, and these boys are in need.”
“So happy that these young boys will have a good happy home, but at the same time my heart breaks for the mother/parents of these children, since the report says the mother was hiding nearby, I sincerely hope she gets the help she needs as well, so hopefully she will be able to turn her life around for the better.”

The thing is Krystal couldn’t have kids due to a total hysterectomy done to her, so they look at those kids as a god’s gift to them. So they started a GoFundMe page to collect the adoption process fees. From this story, you believe that good things do happen to good people.
I Wish There Were More People Like That Out There. God Bless Them!
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