Police officers in Cincinnati have multiple duties, they protect and aid people in need also catching bad guys every single day however they have another important duty that they must achieve and it’s to protect and serve geese.

There’s a famous sentence and it says, there are bad cops and there are goose cops. Anyway, this mother goose is panicking when she found that one of her babies got entangled into some wire and can’t move also she can’t free him.

The poor mommy goose was crying for help until a patrol unit heard her screaming and came to check it out, they found the poor stuck baby and his mother watching them with fear and cautious.

You should put this on the morning news instead of all the violence.
“God bless you, Officer. I need to see more stories like this.” Source: Youtube/James Givens.
Just watch the video below and see how she gave the cop a thank you quack after he set her baby free it’s really adorable.