Taking the abandoned stray dogs and putting them in jail with criminals initially didn’t really seem like a good idea, but in reality putting the animals that have been through some tough time in the same room with humans who’ve been through their own personal hell provided the much needed connection for both of them.

This is the story of how humans rejected by society found friends who don’t judge and who themselves know what it’s like to be mistreated and hurt. If it weren’t for those inmates who took them in, it was more than likely that most of the dogs would have been euthanized.

This is wonderful. This should available at all prisons.
“Dogs don’t judge. They don’t care how you look, how you live if you’re rich or poor, or how anybody else may perceive you. All they care about is how you treat them. And how you treat them is what you get back.” Source: Youtube/BOND360 FILMS
Watch this beautiful experiment on the video down below and don’t forget to share this with your friends and family…