“Such a beautiful smile just completely melts me, such a precious baby welcome little one bless you.”

Although humans have advanced in everything and created everything they need to survive, communicate, travel, and heal themselves. However, having a baby born ahead of his time is still very scary for the parents to this day. They can only watch their newborn baby suffer without doing anything to help and it’s really painful.

The little girl in the video is Freya, she was born a couple of weeks premature, you can’t imagine how her mother felt, Laurie was worried sick for her little angel’s face.
Five days passed and little Freya did something to comfort her parents and to confirm that she is staying in this world: she smiled. The thing is Freya smiled maybe for two reasons: first, she was happy and glad that she is still alive.
Second, she sensed that her family are concerned about her life and she wanted to show them that she is doing ok.

“The Cuteness level at 1 million, I thought I was gonna explode! Wishing this baby many blessings…“
In the end, we can all agree that Freya has an amazing smile