If you’re a fan of dogs and squirrels, we’ve got something special for you! In the article ahead, we’re going to unveil an irresistibly charming video featuring a Springer Spaniel named Rocco. This adorable pup spots a squirrel from the back seat of a moving vehicle and his reaction is pure gold. It’s bound to brighten your day and leave you grinning from ear to ear.

Springer Spaniels are a breed of dog that was originally bred to help hunters flush and retrieve game birds. They are known for their high energy, intelligence, and affectionate nature. They also have a strong prey drive, which means they are naturally inclined to chase and catch small animals.
Imagine you’re driving with your Springer Spaniel in the passenger seat, enjoying a peaceful ride. Suddenly, a squirrel appears on the road. Your dog’s instincts kick in, and he stares intensely at the squirrel, whining and barking. His body language is hilarious: he leans forward, wags his tail, and tries to jump out of the window to catch the squirrel. You can feel his excitement and frustration as the squirrel moves out of sight and he can’t get to it.

Rocco has a very unusual reaction when he sees some squirrels and realizes that he won’t be able to chase them.
This Springer Spaniel’s priceless reaction to seeing a squirrel from the car is sure to bring a smile to your face. Watch as he whines, and barks in excitement. This energetic and affectionate breed is always up for a good time, and this video is no exception.
His owners call it “The Squirrel Song” according to their YouTube description and it’s definitely something to hear.
Have you ever seen a dog makes sounds like THIS?
Don’t forget to share this priceless moment with your friends and family…