Whale sharks are known as the largest species of fish in the sea, reaching more than 40-feet long and weighing more than 20-tons.
The Smithsonian Channel, uploaded the video of an encounter divers had with a whale shark. The divers were filming and noticed a whale shark that was entangled in commercial fishing line. In the video, you can see the damage it already caused cutting into the fins of the beautiful giant.
Knowing the pain the animal is in, one diver had his knife and began cutting the rope off. In less than a minute, the whale shark was free from fishing line and on its way to a much happier life.

Absolutely amazing! You guys are heroes of the ocean! Thank you!
“I can only imagine how good that must feel for the shark.” Source: Youtube/Noel Hall
Watch the video below! and don’t forget to share this experience with your friends and family…