While taking down the road for home, this gentleman retrieved a baby horse that had gotten itself stuck between the wooden beams of a bridge while its mother stood close by not being able to help… now wait for this man’s act.

This video was taken by some anonymous hero who, while out on a drive one afternoon, happened to come across a beautiful brown mare standing in the middle of a small wooden bridge. As he was accustomed to horses generally being a lot more skittish, he sensed something was wrong with her.
The little brown and white foal is trapped, and mom doesn’t really have any way to help him back up. It’s a truly heartbreaking sight.
Thankfully, our hero steps in to save the day. He gets the foal successfully unstuck and back on its feet, and you can tell that the mama horse instinctively understands that she can trust him with her baby. Once the foal is carried safely across the bridge, it’s rejoined by mom.

Such an awesome act. so glad he was there at the right time to give help to the poor little one.
Don’t forget to share this beautiful story with your friends and family…