A Girl Band got together to practice singing, but their group is unlike any girl band you have ever seen …AMAZING!

Now when most girls idolize Justin Biebers and Taylor Swifts of the world, seeing something like this is pretty strange. These four otherwise typical schoolgirls with their sweet girl band got together to practice singing, but their group is unlike any girl band you’ve seen. No, they decided to master the dying art of barbershop quartet singing, and when you hear them perform it’s pretty clear they nailed it.
They sang just for a small group of their teachers and classmates, but someone recorded this video and uploaded it to YouTube, and shortly after the view count went to 7 digit figures. We hope you keep doing what you’re doing, girls. You’re amazing.

It was one of the best performances I’ve ever seen or heard. Just beautiful! Don’t hesitate to share this unique talent with your friends and family…