The experiments and explorations of these kids most of the time are harmless and entertaining, however, at times things can get ugly. This little girl learned early in life a valuable thing in a harmless way luckily.

Kids can do crazy and strange things by interest. They are trying to inspect every single thing that their hands can touch. It’s obvious that every one of us has some memories and stories from where we were kids. Don’t we?
Our kids love to copy everything adults tend to do. Most of the time it’s cute, and sometimes things don’t turn out the way their little imaginations had planned. And in this video, you can see this toddler who has been so innovative with her hair, the cute 3-year-old girl is named Ashleigh.

This adorable clip will leave you in tears with laughter. In addition to that, her father should be proud of the way he handled the situation.
Ashleigh almost cuts off her entire hair, you can see in the video what she ended up looking like. However in my opinion she did a hell of a good job upfront, that look is perfect for summertime.
Her father asked her why and she said that she wanted to cuts her hair like Miss Jessica, the one who cuts this baby’s hair. Yet at the end of the video, she asked something that made me explode laughing. I advise you to watch the complete video to find out.
Don’t forget to share these funny moments with your friends and family…