Rescue pit bull steals Ellens show and wins over the entire audience!

There is no denying that Pit Bulls are the most maligned dog breed in the world! People are afraid of them because of their bad reputation. What we often forget though is that, as Tia Torres says in this video, “Pit Bulls by nature love humans and whoever is on the other end of that leash can make the difference!”. One really needs to be a responsible dog owner. And if that is the case Pit Bulls can be the sweetest little creatures in the world!
In this video clip from Ellen, Tia Torres is talking about her new TV show “Pit Bulls and Parolees” that’s running on Animal Planet. What this show does is, it pairs unadopted Pit Bulls with newly released convicts from prison. The goal of this initiative is for people and animals to teach each other compassion and responsibility, and to try and affect each other’s lives in a positive way.

There’s no doubt that people who are released from prison need someone who will love and understand them without judging them for the things that they have done in the past. In return, the dogs also need someone to love and care for them.
Because of the nature of this show it is hard for Tia Torres to raise the funds! Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t really like the idea of financing the initiative that seeks to pair abandoned Pit Bulls with ex convicts. As far as we are concerned – we think that everybody deserves a second chance!
Then, Tia brought out Snorkie to the stage to meet Ellen, and what he did was absolutely adorable! You really have to see it!
Tia is amazing… Snorkie is so smart and cute…