They looked outside the window and saw THIS, but pay attention to the fox…

Love knows no age or boundaries! It turns out that it doesn’t care about species as well. This video is essentially an unrequited love story.
Most of us know what that looks like even though some of us might be reluctant to admit it due to excessive pride. At least in pre-school there certainly was someone whom you liked who didn’t like you back. It is definitely one of the worst feelings in the world. The older you are the worse it gets!

The main character in this video, the heartbroken lover, is a beautiful fox! Her object of desire is a wonderful Golden Retriever! She seems obsessed with him, but he pays her no mind. He runs inside the house, but the fox doesn’t give up! She starts to call him by imitating barking sounds!

Love really does make us do crazy things, right? The owners say that they can also hear her during the night. She’s out there somewhere waiting for her love!
Omg, this video just made me less scared at night I always hear that noise and wonder what it could be, and of course, my mind ran with thoughts I’m so happy to finally know it’s just a fox outside in the woods… Don’t forget to share this video with your friends and family who still don’t know that sound!