How can anyone do this?! I hope this monster rots in jail…

A boy from Albuquerque was walking to a school bus stop when he heard some strange whining noises. He stopped to investigate where the sound was coming from and found a garbage bag with six abandoned puppies! The little pups were covered in ticks, they were too young to even know how to drink water, and they were absolutely starving! He called his mom to help him, and they took the puppies to the veterinarian to receive proper treatment.

The most tragic thing about this whole situation is that there was a dog shelter near the place where the pups were abandoned. The former owner could’ve taken them there, but he didn’t even want to give them a fighting chance. It’s as if he didn’t want them to survive. What kind of person could have done that?

Luckily, good people like Jonathan and his mother still exist, and the pups were lucky that someone like that was at the right place at the right time to help them. All of the pups are now healthy and ready to find new families that will treat them better than their original family. Good luck boys and girls!