Carol Burnett Show: Iconic Gangster Parody with Lucille Ball

This iconic gangster parody by Carol Burnett and Lucille Ball is so hilarious

In 1970 “The Carol Burnett Show” represented the legendary actress Lucille Ball. The two of them provided us with a clip called “Some Like It Hotsy Totsy.”

The video started with an announcer introducing Lucille and Carol as “A struggling singing act in their late 20s or early 40s.”

From the get-go, the clip started with an audition of two men in a talent contest. After that, it’s Carol and Lucille’s turn. The judge wanted to know what they are going to do. “What do you need?” carol said. the talent agent added, “I need an animal act and two girl singers.” Then Lucille said, “Which do you want us to do first?”.

The two came out holding big bottles of perfume while singing and ended their act by spraying the judge a couple of times. They wanted to know the judge’s opinion so he responded “I liked it except for two things, you and you.” And he told them to get out.

Carol and Lucille Ball were furious and while they are leaving they encountered two gangsters in the middle of committing a crime. They tried to hide in their car but it is no good, the gangsters are on them.

They ran until they found a table they went under it. At that moment there are two men who ended their audition by talking about having two train tickets and going to Florida. Lucille and Carol were listening and figured that the only way to survive is to steal their tickets.

They ended up attacking the two men using hammers. Then they walked out of the room disguised as two gentlemen wearing suits and all. As they are walking out they met the gangsters and they asked them if they have seen any girls running into the garage, so Carol said using a deep strong voice “No”. and added that they are in a hurry, they need to catch the train going to Florida. Surprisingly, the gangsters are on the same train as well and they must go together! This video is pure comedy.